Monday, May 5, 2014

Fat Fast Day 2

Day 2:

Day 2 is going well, heavy cream in the coffee and 2 oz brie for my first 2 meals, 2 oz cream cheese on celery for my afternoon meal.  I do have a bit of a headache today, but I'm not sure if it's the diet/water consumption or that my GF is having her hair done in the kitchen this afternoon!  At any rate, I'm drinking mason jar after mason jar of water and it seems that my headache is getting better.

I don't know if it's associated but I do find that my mouth is watering almost constantly/more than normal.  My Keto-stix are purple, previous to this we were on vacation and managed to knock myself out of ketosis despite not going crazy on the carbs, but when on vacation I seem to over do it on calories.  Never mind the alcohol!

So far so good.  I only weigh in once a week and that's on Tuesday mornings (they are my Saturday.)  I tend to not let the scale rule my progress and just check in with it periodically.  So we will see how my progress for the week ends up with the vacation and the fat fast!

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